Dr. Andy Park

Chiropractic Physician - Webster Certified, Practices DNS concepts, FMT certified

Dr. Andy Park is a board certified chiropractic physician and is affiliated with the Illinois Chiropractic Society. Growing up, he was always fascinated by movement, and his passion drew him to many different hobbies over the years including gymnastics, kickboxing, breakdancing, rock climbing, weight lifting, and Brazilian jiu jitsu.

Applying his personal passion for movement to his professional life, Dr. Park studied exercise science at the University of Illinois at Chicago, worked as a personal trainer, and finally pursued a career as a Doctor of Chiropractic at the National University of Health Sciences.

Dr. Park specializes in Perinatal care (Webster Certified, BIRTHFIT professional) as well as sports injuries and rehabilitation (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization). He also utilizes a number of soft tissue therapies in his care such as myofascial release, kinesiology taping (Rocktape), and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (similar to Graston).

Dr. Park is proud to call Chicago home and looks forward to serving you and your family!


Dr. Molly Sandeep

Chiropractic Physician - MDT certified, CCA (Independent Contractor) Currently only in network with BCBS, Aetna, and United Healthcare.

Dr. Molly Sandeep is a board-certified chiropractic physician, certified chiropractic acupuncturist, and works as an independent chiropractor at our office. Always approaching health from a holistic perspective, she graduated with her bachelor's of science in human nutrition from the Ohio State University. She obtained her Doctorate of Chiropractic Medicine from National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL. Dr. Sandeep strives not only to achieve pain-free wellness and active living for her patients, but also to share the importance of proper spinal and joint care. For every person that walks in the door her care is purposefully distinctive. Dr. Sandeep specializes in: acupuncture, cupping, Mckenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (cert. MDT), myofascial release techniques, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (Graston), nutritional counseling, and Diversified chiropractic adjusting techniques. She is affiliated with the Chiropractic Council of Acupuncture and the Illinois Chiropractic Society. She keeps her patients informed and aware of their health, and looks to provide a constant source of encouragement along the way to healing.

Vanessa Vazquez

Chiropractic Assistant

Vanessa Vazquez is our chiropractic assistant in the office. Vanessa graduated with her bachelor’s degree in exercise science from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Was involved with running in high school, and was interested in how movement can affect the body. That is how she decided to learn more about movement. She has since become versed in teaching Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) exercises for patients having learned the foundational movements from Dr. Park. She strives to create an amazing environment in the office for everyone. Vanessa wears many hats at our office and is always happy to help with any questions that patients may have. She is also happy to help with anything that will help make the office run as smooth as possible!